Interested in exhibiting with us? We have several ways you can participate.
The ArtShop
We have a small shop where artists can sell their work year round. We carry original art, jewelry, note cards and more. Click here from more information.
The Windows
Artists can rent one or both of our large windows that face vibrant 1st Avenue. Currently, you can rent one window for $225, or both for $400. These rentals go fast and usually book up several months in advance. For more information, please email us at info@aharts.org.
The Gallery
Ah yes, our beautiful gallery. This coveted space is scheduled about twelve months in advance. We have an Exhibitions Committee that reviews proposals on a quarterly basis. We have a variety of exhibitions that include solo and group exhibitions, juried shows, collaborative exhibitions with other organizations, and one prime gallery rental slot per year (click here for information on the gallery rental). We encourage artists to submit to our juried exhibitions (there are usually two to three each year) as a good way to start showing with us. We will consider all proposals and are particularly interested in proposals that speak to our mission “Strengthening Community Through the Arts”. You may email proposals to info@aharts.org. Please note, it may take a couple of weeks to get a response.
We encourage all artists to become members (see link below) and consider volunteering. We are a 100% volunteer non-profit that relies on the generosity and support of its members.